I just uploaded a Newt utility to make styles access easier. It's a lot cleaner andsmaller than HotButtons, but it's specifically for calling the Styles pallete. More complex progs will come later. Anyhow, here's the spiel:
Introducing Skip, the first truly useful utility for the Newton MessagePad and ExpertPad.
Skip is a Styles shortcut. With Skip installed, the Styles palette is always one tap away, yet Skip never gets in your way. Skip utilizes the unused space on the touchscreen which does not cover the active display. Tapping in the upper left or right corners of your screen will activate Skip and bring forth the Styles palette.
This version of Skip is Shareware. If you find Skip useful (if it's still on your Newton after a week) please register your copy by sending $5 to:
Kevin Fox
Bancroft & Telegraph
ASUC Store
Box #144
Berkeley, CA 94720
Include your E-Mail address to be informed of all updates to Skip and other products forthcoming.
Skip was suggested by several frustrated Newton owners on America On-line. If you have a utility that you think would be insanely great, or if you have any suggestions on how to improve Skip, please write to the above address, or drop me a line at: